:out now: Misotheist, Syning & Ominous Resurrection tapes
after plague related delays, the below titles are finally out on March 15th, 2021 OMINOUS RESURRECTION - Judgement, MC OMINOUS...

Distro update w/ Dead Congregation vinyl & Mayhem box
ABYSSIC HATE - Suicidal Emotions, MC (ltd.100) 7€
ELFENBLOED - Voor den eer van ons geschied MC 6€
FORGOTTEN WOODS - Baklengs mot stupet, 3

out now: Drudkh boxed set
A test press of the wooden DRUDKH MC box has been approved, the manufacturing process is now in full swing, pre-orders will open soon.

out now: Misotheist & Whoredom Rife tapes
Out now in conspiracy of Terratur Possessions and Cloven Hoof: Whoredom Rife - Nid - Hymner av Hat, MC & Misotheist - Misotheist, MC

Darvaza - Tenebrae boxed set
The Tenebrae trilogy by Darvaza on pro-manufactured tapes in a wooden box, comes with a patch. The three EPs: The Downward Descent, The Silv

out now: Whoredom Rife tapes
.:. Out now in conspiracy of Cloven Hoof & Terratur Possessions .:. Whoredom Rife - s/t Pro-manufactured tape w/shellprints, three panel...

distro update: Blasphemy, Negative Plane, Caveman Cult, Paysage d' Hiver & more
We've just stocked some great tapes & LP's in this distro update! Head over to the DISTRO section for prices, order on the email below!...

out now: SLAGMAUR wooden boxed set and merch!
The Three Protocols of Fosen come on three tapes in a wooden laser-etched box. The box comes with a patch and small art print of the Dávid G